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Marketing Challenge


As a globally recognized brand, Baileys has excellent brand awareness in the Quebec market. Despite significant public recognition, Baileys saw a decrease in sales. Often thought of as an end of the evening drink during the winter season, Baileys wanted to position itself with a younger clientele by developing new consumption opportunities with the DO YOU MIND IF I BAILEYS? campaign.



Following elaborate research, we discovered a promising and differentiating strategic opportunity: positioning the Baileys iced coffee recipe as an alternative to the mimosa during summer brunches with friends. Make way for Baileys Brunch! A summer brunch completely reinvented and conceptualized by VIBRANT. Armed with their thousands of followers and their phones, influencers presented Baileys almond smoothies, Baileys iced coffees and Baileys flavored breakfast recipes to young Quebecers in a summery, festive and weekend setting.



Our campaign reached almost 155,000 people, 35% more than our initial goal. In addition, all 64 posts generated a record number of interactions, of 12,626, which corresponds to an exceptional engagement rate of 15% on social networks.

Baileys Brunch created a new trend in brunch culture, trading in the mimosas for a delicious Baileys coffee.


Do you mind if I Baileys campaign reached almost 155,000 people, 35% more
than our initial goal.

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