Marketing Challenge
With its pioneering vision, GSC Technologies aspires to become the top manufacturer of plastic goods in North America, with distribution worldwide. With this in mind, GSC chose VIBRANT as a marketing partner to revitalize its Organize-it! brand and support the launch of its newest technology product: the Organize-it! app and intelligent tags.
VIBRANT tackled the challenge by redefining the brand’s purpose. After assessing the relevance of the brand offer and name on the market, we created a fresh new visual identity for it, designed new packaging and developed go-to market and promotional tools.
Since its launch, Organize-it! has surpassed its initial sales objectives in the USA, and it’s just getting started. The revamp of the Organize-it! brand and the launch of the app represents a solid kick-off for a pipeline of new, innovative products, for which VIBRANT will continue to offer GSC support as it pursues its pioneering vision.

GSC Technologies Inc. manufactures various storage and organization products that are distributed across North America.