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Marketing Challenge


Spotify is a global music, podcast, and video streaming service, headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. They approached VIBRANT with a challenge: awareness of Spotify’s Student Premium plan was low and new student subscriptions had stalled. Within an 8-week period how could Spotify boost their presence on campus’s across Canada and re-engage with the student audience?



Create a field team of students on each campus to spread brand love and intercept students day-to-day. Support the team with fun, branded swag, free subscriptions and curated school playlists. Complete a 16 stop truck tour featuring a live DJ and free coffee giveaways to campuses across Ontario. Use the opportunity to educate and promote the Spotify Student Premium plan. Created a new and exciting way to engage with students by building the ultimate party kit for student party occasions. Build excitement, collect data and support all activity with an aspirational contest.



By creating a multi-faceted campaign that reached students during their day-to-day activity, VIBRANT was able to build brand love for Spotify, increase awareness of the student premium plan and ultimately increase subscriptions. During the 8-week campaign, the VIBRANT team executed a truck tour across colleges and universities, hired 16 student brand managers across Canada and ultimately increased student premium subscriptions by 35% (23,234 new subscribers).